A Free Bill Management App We Love

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SmartPath occasionally reviews apps and services based on the needs of our clients. SmartPath has no affiliation with this product or service and receives no compensation or benefit from the provider. Instead, we just wanted to share our thoughts in an effort to help you get better with your money.

Paying bills can be a hassle, even downright dreadful. We're big fans of automating finances when possible, but it can be comforting to make sure that bills look right before you click pay. However, no one wants to spend time logging into every biller’s website.

The Prism app brings together your bills, due dates and your money to give you a complete picture, while allowing you to automate or manually make payments in just seconds.

How Prism Works

Once you download Prism for your phone or tablet, it will ask you to choose all of your billers. After Prism syncs your account balances and bills, you then link your payment accounts, such as your checking account or credit card (if you use it to rack up rewards points).

When a new bill comes in, it brings you to the bill pay screen. You can either pay the full amount, the minimum amount or a custom amount. You can schedule the bill to be paid immediately or schedule it for any time in the future. When you’re ready to pay, you simply swipe down on the screen to schedule your payment. After you’ve paid a bill once, Prism remembers your preferences. The next time you get that bill, simply give it a quick review and then swipe down to schedule the payment.

Data Security

Giving a company information and access to your private accounts can feel scary. With Prism, all communication is encrypted. You probably hear this word frequently, but what does it actually mean, and how secure does it make things? It means that all information that travels between you and Prism is encoded in such a way that it can only be read by you or them.

With respect to your payment accounts, you provide your checking and routing number of your bank or your credit card information just like you do with individual online bill payment.

The Best Part

Prism is completely FREE. We can hardly believe it ourselves. If the payment method is free with your biller, it’s also free with Prism.

Plus, you'll never miss a bill due date or pay late fees. Prism automatically sends bill pay reminders.

SmartPath Recommendation

We like being able to see bill expenses in one place. Prism provides an accurate picture of total monthly bills, and you can also input your paydays to track when you get paid in comparison to your bills.

If you’re looking for a great bill management app, we highly recommend using Prism. Give it a try to see how it can make your life a little easier.

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